Then word about cuts started happening at my own daughter's school. Neighbors were in a panic and encouraging others to join the peaceful protests at the sate Capitol. The district held informational talks within our local community. And concerned parents started letter writing campaigns. This week, word that our librarian's position is on the chopping block. I can only guess what's coming next.
Living in Arizona has its challenges when it comes to education. I do feel, as a parent, it's my responsibility to do a good chunk of the education at home. That's more than just reviewing homework. It's about doing additional research online, visiting locations where more learning and hands-on experiences can take place, and most important, engaging in thought-provoking conversations with my child about real world events, current and historical. Do our lawmakers really understand what's happening in our schools? I haven't seen too many visit my child's school lately. Tell us about the cuts happening at your school... and please share your ideas for getting taxpayers on board for voting in favor of schools. ~TELL US ABOUT THE BUDGET CUTS HAPPENING AT YOUR SCHOOL~ POST COMMENTS HERE |
January 2019