You read it right. Goodyear has a new hashtag.
What do survey participants care about? The NCS looks at community characteristics, governance, and community participation. Within community livability, NCS reported back to council on ratings for safety, mobility, natural environment, built environment, economy, recreation and wellness, education and enrichment, and community engagement. Demographics were broken into three geographical areas. Goodyear north of I-10. Goodyear south of I-10 to the Gila River. And the area mostly known as Estrella - south of the Gila River. Responses were also ranked against national benchmarks. This year, Goodyear received 111 ratings similar to the national average, 7 categories ranked higher than the national average, and 11 rated lower than the national average. Compared to this same survey conducted in Goodyear two years ago, 105 categories remained the same. 7 higher. 17 worse. Survey respondents say safety and the economy are the most important issues facing them today. Where do we stand? Overall, participants responded positively. 78% rated Goodyear services as either excellent or good which is similar to 2014. Oddly enough, participants rated services by the Federal Government higher than 2014. The survey also showed participants ranked the value of services for taxes paid as lower from 2014. This year, 54% are satisfied as compared to 61% two years ago. 4 in 5 people say they would stay in Goodyear for another five years. Goodyear fell in the category of recreation and wellness. While most categories stayed the same and "health and wellness" were up, fewer people ranked "fitness opportunities" as being excellent or good compared to two years ago. FamiliesGoodyear ranks as a great place to retire. And the city received good marks for neighborhoods, as being a place to raise kids, and for overall appearance. (Okay... that sounded like a beauty competition. But, it's important to factor when building a beautiful city for people to call "home.") EducationEducation funding is a hot topic in Arizona at the state level. And I think it's reflected in these numbers. 68% of survey participants gave K-12 education an excellent or good rating. Just 45% gave Goodyear good ratings for cultural/arts/music activities. And the council seem to understand people want more higher education opportunities as just 55% of respondents rated "adult education" as either excellent or good. The Economy This is where Goodyear needs to improve. Just 31% of respondents say they believe "employment opportunities" in Goodyear are excellent or good. They want jobs and we don't have enough here in Goodyear. ~Mayor Georgia Lord, City of Goodyear SafetyGreat news for our fire and police. A majority say they feel safe in Goodyear. 89% have an overall feeling of safety. A whopping 97% say they feel safe in their neighborhood. Kudos to all the hard work these people put in their jobs each and every day! A closer look at the numbers break down like this:
The Parks! This is a great graphic showing what's most important to residents who participated in the study. The order of importance for funding and maintaining city services fall in this order:
Leaving Goodyear for other services - No surprises here. Goodyear leaders know residents are leaving this city for services elsewhere. Council reiterated to economic development the desire residents have for attracting more of these services. Leaving Goodyear for jobs. A small percentage of participants say they actually work in Goodyear. And many of these folks would like to see more jobs in the medical/healthcare fields, retail, and professional services. Going forward. 77% of participants say they get their information about the city by "word of mouth." After discussion, council agreed staff need to continue pumping out information through the city website and InFocus newsletter which is mailed to homes. The lowest ranking from communication comes from "talking with city officials" at 38%. City staff plan to get information about this study out to residents using the "#thegoodingoodyear" branding slogan. We're happy to participate!
January 2019